Open call for support of The Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Revolutionaries.

Comrades and friends,

The Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Revolutionaries was “born” 14 years ago from within the ranks of the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement. From then until today the Fund has had an uninterrupted and diverse presence in the history of the movement in Greece. From the open, nationwide assembly of the structure, dozens of comrades have passed through and actively participated, while today the Fund consists of two sub-assemblies, in Athens and Thessaloniki. Throughout these years, the structure of the Fund has provided material support to dozens of political prisoners and persecuted revolutionaries. And it has managed to do this continuously and on a monthly basis. In addition to the financial support to the prisoners, captives of the social/class war, the structure attempts to support politically the comrades who are inside the walls, with events all over Greece, solidarity actions, presence in the adjacent courts. 

As a Solidarity Fund we are made of the flesh of the radical movement. The people who participate in its assemblies come from it and act politically within it. The resources of the structure are resources that come from the practical solidarity of our political milieu ( in Greece and abroad) with prisoners. Through our publications, our events of all kinds, we try to raise the necessary funds for the monthly financial support of our incarcerated comrades. At the same time, a significant part of the material support comes from contributions from groups, collectives, individuals within and outside Greece. The structure is, in this way, another link between the movement and political prisoners, one of the “bodies” that the movement itself has created as another constant point of reference for the multifaceted solidarity it has shown towards them over time. 

This is what we want to “remind” and with this open call for the support of the fund, this long-standing and unmediated aspect of supporting the structure and political prisoners we want to strengthen as much as possible. For some time now, increasingly authoritarian state policies regarding public spaces and universities have been attempting to suffocate public financial support events, with the financial exhaustion of the movement and its people being a strategic choice. The people in the social struggle are resisting with all their strength against this condition imposed by the state and continue to find the space they themsleves have conquered since decades, but the pressure, difficulty and uncertainty remain. And they obviously concern the structure of the Fund. At the same time, the intensity of the repression, the harsh, anachronistic, counter-revolutionary and class-oriented penal and penitentiary codes attempt, as far as political persecution is concerned, to terrorize and imprison revolutionaries, or to prolong the incarceration period for those that are still inside the walls of the prison.

This call is written a few days after the tragic loss of our anarchist revolutionary and comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris, after the explosion of a device in Ampelokipi, Athens. The bloodthirsty state mechanisms and their mouthpieces are engaged in a campaign of targeting and terrorizing revolutionaries that has already led 5 people to prison and is in the process of announcing more to come. It is obvious that in the immediate foreseeable future the needs for political, moral and financial support for persecuted and imprisoned militants will become particularly great. And the radical movement must stand up and fight against this prospect. The Fund will, de facto, be one of those structures that will attempt to rise to these difficult circumstances and continue to support political prisoners on a steady monthly basis. We believe that these circumstances require even greater support for the Fund structure from individuals and groups, in Greece and abroad.    

Our wish and the purpose of this call is to mobilise as many people as possible and, individually or through collectives, to support the Fund financially by creating as stable and direct a relationship with the structure as possible. Each and every one, individually or collectively, to stand in solidarity – and in this way – in the struggle for political and material support for our captive comrades. Let us succeed in making the cause of practical solidarity and the necessary financial support for political prisoners a cause for as many people as possible, a cause for all of us. We call on all to contact the Solidarity Fund, to participate in its open assemblies, to support it – directly and unmediated – financially. 

At a time when the repression and the state’s attack on the structures and people struggling against the injustice and barbarity of the capitalist world is becoming more intense, we can once again highlight solidarity as one of the mounds that will stand up to domination, now and in the future. 

We support political prisoners Materially- Morally- Politically

Solidarity- Comradeship- Struggle against state and capital. 

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